
Submitted by Sharon on

The Armistice, an agreement to end the fighting of the First World War as a prelude to peace negotiations, began at 11am on 11 November 1918. Armistice is Latin for to stand (still) arms. In the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries, Armistice Day is observed with a two minute silence on the eleventh hour. Why? 1 minute was a time of thanksgiving for those who had returned alive, the second minute was to remember the fallen.

Centenary Celebrations for RAF WW2 Veteran

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RAF Cosford

The WAWI Projects principle aim is to record and promote the history of the people who have served Britain. Whilst attending his uncle’s funeral (a National Service Veteran) H Barnes (WAWI founder) was approached by Dennis Joseph who asked if he would like to hear about an RAF veteran approaching their 100th Birthday.

Contacting our RAF Community Engagement Officer Sgt Chiv Chand, an invitation was issued to all interested parties to attend RAF Cosford in honour of the service and contributions made by Mr Nicholas born in Jamaica on 18th September 1923.

A Different Windrush Experience

Submitted by Sharon on

By Audrey Dewjee

The stories of the Windrush generation were once little known but, following the Windrush Scandal, the general public is now more aware of what happened to people who arrived from the Caribbean between the end of World War Two and the coming into force of the Immigration Act 1971.  The arrivals’ experience was one of struggle – against racism in many quarters such as housing, education, employment, policing and from neighbours – and eventual success, as families settled and thrived despite the odds.

Windrush - The Historical Journey

Submitted by Sharon on
Windrush 2022 The Historical Journey
Windrush Gala Dinner & Dance 2022
Windrush Gala Dinner & Dance 2022
Windrush 2022
Birmingham Windrush Day
Birmingham Windrush Day
Windrush Gala Dinner & Dance 2022
Windrush Gala Dinner & Dance 2022

To appreciate the story of Windrush we first have to go back to the Second Word War when Winston Churchill called on the rest of King George V1’s Empire across the seas. This decision changed the course of the war for Britain and her allies.

Once the war ended many of the Commonwealth forces returned to their home nations but not so for many of those from the West Indies whose loyalty to the Mother Country knew no bounds.

Armed Forces Community Garden – Solihull

Submitted by Sharon on
Armed Forces Community Garden – Solihull

Armed Forces Community Garden in Hillfield Park, Soilhull has opened benefiting veterans and their family members, local schools and other members of the community.

The garden is a peaceful sanctuary for remembrance and reflection. It is also hoped it will be a place to help people overcome isolation, as it will provide a welcoming place to meet up and interact with others.

The area is principally divided into three zones: a sensory garden - with a distinctive, curving design - a summer flower meadow and a community woodland.

Eligibility for Royal Hospital Chelsea

Submitted by Sharon on

Do you know a male or female who has served in the British Army? (Not applicable for those who have served in the RAF or Navy)

A Chelsea Pensioner, or In-Pensioner, is a resident at the Royal Hospital Chelsea, a retirement home and nursing home for former members of the British Army located in Chelsea, London.

The Royal Hospital Chelsea is the home to 300 retired British soldiers, male and female (the latter since 2009) and is located on Royal Hospital Road.

Awards and Recognitions

National Black Police Association West Midlands Police BAPA Armed Forces Covenant Silver Award Armed Forces Covenant Bronze Award