United we stand

Submitted by Sharon on

We all have commitments of one sort or another, often leaving us with limited time to do the things we really want to do. However where there is a will there is always a way and over the last few weeks we have utilized our time combining business with pleasure, attending 'Meaningful Meetings' and Networking with Colleagues'.

When the past met the present

Submitted by Derrick on
Boys of British Army standing beside a veteran who served in the Warwickshire’s

On Sun 7 Aug 2011, a Service of Praise and Thanksgiving on the Occasion of The 49th Anniversary of Jamaica’s Independence was held at the New Testament Church of God, Lozells, Birmingham UK.

It was a privilege to meet a few of the boys currently serving in the British Army standing alongside a veteran who served in the Warwickshire’s. 

The old and the young united in a common goal; to serve and protect the ‘Mother Country’ - men from Jamaica, Ghana and Zimbabwe.

Charity Cricket Day Event

Submitted by hbarnes on
West Indies Regiment

Another successful day sharing stories and new ideas. Picture shows Alisha Evans, Councillor Peter Douglas Osborn, Debbie Gooding and John Evans - The Royal British Legion, and holding the Colours the son of a Windrush Pioneer.

Alisha and John revealed their Commonwealth family connection and have promised to share their historic links to Britain following their planned trip back to Fiji later this month.

Happy Independence Day, Jamaica

Submitted by Derrick on
Happy Independence Day, Jamaica

Independence Day is celebrated in Jamaica each year on 6th August. It is the celebration of the date in 1962 when Jamaica gained full independence from Great Britain.

Thanks to ITV1 (UK) for showing the first James Bond film today, Dr No, where Secret Service agent 007 goes to Jamaica… The film was released in 1962.

Charity Cricket Day

Submitted by hbarnes on





All proceeds to: ABF The Soldiers ' Charity, The Royal British Legion and The British Association for Cricketers with Disabilities

Sunday 7th August 2011, Bournville Cricket Club, Birmingham. Gates open at 12 noon.

Awards and Recognitions

National Black Police Association West Midlands Police BAPA Armed Forces Covenant Silver Award Armed Forces Covenant Bronze Award