Windrush Service

Sunday, 23 June, 2013 - 11:00
Windrush Service

Holy Trinity Church, Birchfield, B6 6AH. 11am

In 1948, Caribbean Service men together with other skilled workers made the voyage to Britain to help her recover and re-build following half a decade of fighting. This was not the first time West Indians had answered England's call for help.

The WAWI Project - promoting 400 years of Caribbean contribution to Britain's welfare. Much of this information has been omitted from history books and is not taught in schools.

Uncover the truth for yourself.

Windrush day celebrated on 22nd June each year recognises the efforts of those people and commemorates their struggles and achievements.

By giving our children a heritage they can be proud of will help them build a future they can believe in.

The Windrush Journey began long before 1948 and in truth it has never ended. Be a part of that continuing journey and help us to make a difference.