Remember Together

Submitted by Sharon on

In 2020 The Royal British Legion is asking for communities across Britain to come together, join together and remember together the service and sacrifice, friendship and collaboration of the men and women of Britain, the Commonwealth and Allied nations who fought together 75 years ago.

Allies from the Commonwealth and other nations had fought shoulder to shoulder with Britain, since the start of the Second World War, but in 1944 this collaboration would result in victory in three critical battles; Monte Cassino, D-Day and Kohima and Imphal.

At Monte Cassino an Allied Army over 240,000 strong with contingents from six continents, would open the way to the liberation of Rome; at D-Day thirteen nations would collaborate to land 156,000 men in Normandy; and at Kohima and Imphal one of the most ethnically diverse armies in history would come together to win one of the most remarkable victories of the war.

The collaboration of Britain with our Commonwealth friends and Allied nations in 1944 continues to shape our society today. Many communities, whose ancestors served side by side, now live side by side in a multicultural Britain.   

To honour the sacrifice made by the peoples and nations who fought alongside each other 75 years ago, this year we ask that your Remembrance services and activities reflect our shared communal heritage. The Remembrance tam at the Legion is there to help you by providing materials and information.

To find out more, and view their downloadable resources, visit their website on or  contact them at Remembrance@british

Awards and Recognitions

National Black Police Association West Midlands Police BAPA Armed Forces Covenant Silver Award Armed Forces Covenant Bronze Award