Windrush 70th Commemorations

Submitted by Sharon on

Why are West Indians in this Country? Britain Called and they answered.

For more than 10 years the WAWI Project has been raising awareness of the Windrush story and the real reason why hundreds of British passport holders came to Britain in 1948.

They brought hope, help and friendship and much needed money to boost a struggling economy.

In honour of all those who came to help rebuild Broken Britain, the WAWI Project and our Community partners held a variety of events spanning 9 days beginning 16th June.

Events included: NHS Tea Party, Windrush Sunday Service’s, Public Service’s Day, Seniors Day, Cinema Day, Children’s Concert at Birmingham Town Hall, Civic Reception at Birmingham Council House, Gala Dinner and Dance and a Family Fun Day.

History was made on the 18th June when the Prime Minister announced that the 22nd June will be nationally recognised as Windrush Day.

On Windrush Day itself, WAWI members took to the road for a Church Service and Community event in Derby culminating with an interview with Des Coleman from ITV Central News.

Congratulations to everyone involved, working together to help make this a memorable week and please keep up the good work.

It is only by giving our children a history to be proud of will give them a future to believe in.

Awards and Recognitions

National Black Police Association West Midlands Police BAPA Armed Forces Covenant Silver Award Armed Forces Covenant Bronze Award