International Women's Day - 8th March has been observed since the early 1900's, and is now a global celebration with many countries marking the occasion with a national holiday.
There is at least one inspirational woman in every family. A Grandmother, Mother, Sister or Daughter. Sadly, all too often their contributions to life outside of family matters are either deemed unimportant or under-estimated.
"There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer"
With that in mind I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the women of World War II.
Those who joined the Wren's, WRAF, Land Girls, Nurses, ATS Girls, Women's Voluntary Service, those working in amunition factories, not least those who kept the children safe both home and abroad, kept hope alive and the home fires burning.
Women of the Commonwealth working together united by war.
A Sisterhood of Hero's