Fashion, Talent and Black History

Submitted by Sharon on

What is Fashion, Talent and Black History

Samantha Prescott the Creative Director created this showcase in tribute to her late Grandmother Vena Prescott. Who use to share her life memories of her journey from Jamaica to England in the 1950s. Samantha has always been a vintage enthusiast and had a passion for collecting vintage items. With the vision of keeping her grandmother’s legacy alive and her love of fashion. The fashion, talent and black history show was created. The showcase features fashion from the 1940s up to the 1990s, incorporated into the show with the era looks is a musical journey. The fashion show aims to be authentic when taking you back in time, fun, memorable and emotive.

The vision for Fashion, Talent and Black History

  • Through the showcase, we want to share and tell real stories of people’s journey of life in Jamaica and England. Using fashion, music and drama.
  • Educate people about black history through the showcase e.g. performing in schools, colleges or universities.
  • Create a fashion look book for black fashion during these eras. From donated items receive an overview of the history of the item. E.g. memories of wearing the item.
  • To continue performing the showcase as part of Windrush and black history events.
  • To continue working in partnership with Black Country Museum and ACCN (African Caribbean Community Network) during black history events
  • To generate enough income to continue purchases of authentic clothing, pay models, MUA and photographer expenses.
  • To develop the drama aspect of the showcase to create a wider narrative when sharing real life accounts.
  • To continue to work and collaborate with others

Contact Us

For bookings contact:

Creative Director Samantha Prescott



Follow our journey:

             Facebook: fashiontalenthistory

             Instagram: fashiontalenthistory

    Twitter­: Fashion, Talent & Black History @Fash_Tal_His

             You tube: (Please subscribe) Fashion,Talent,History      


Attachment Size
70_years_of_the_empire_windrush_accn.jpg266.25 KB 266.25 KB
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Awards and Recognitions

National Black Police Association West Midlands Police BAPA Armed Forces Covenant Silver Award Armed Forces Covenant Bronze Award